Kodak Ektachrome 100d
Kodak Ektachrome 100d
One of very few slide films still in production today. High sharpness and resolution that is unmatched by all but the most expensive digital cameras. High color accuracy.
This film has no remjet coating. It should be processed in the E-6 process, like any other slide film.
36 exposures, DX code for 100 Iso.
Image Credit: @gcmoser (Instagram)
Review this film:
Ektachrome 100d is a slide film with a far lower contrast than any other slide film in production today. This means it is much more forgiving than films such as Velvia or Provia. In comparison to negative film, 100d is nevertheless much more sensitive to overexposure. Take good care in metering your scene and avoid using cameras with unreliable light meters.

Ektachrome, while being more flexible than other slide films, is nevertheless far less forgiving than negative film. Therefore, it is recommended to use a camera with an accurate light meter, and ideally a lens with settable half or 1/3 aperture stops.