The motion picture film stocks 500t, 250d, 50d and 200t can not be developed in every regular film lab. The Remjet layer on the back of the film necessitates an extra step in development. This is done by an increasing number of labs and usually does not cost much more than regular developing. In Vienna we recommend the Garage Film Lab, which develops ECN-2 every week.

ECN-2 Labs in Europe

This is a selection of labs known to me that develop ECN-2 film. If you know of any other labs that develop motion picture film, tell us so we can add them to the list.

Country City Name
Austria Vienna Garage Film Lab
Austria Vienna Photo Cluster
Austria Vienna Fotospeed Lab
Austria Vienna Fotolabor Krzystov Wolzak
Austria Vienna Cyberlab
Austria Vienna Unwind Film Lab
Austria Graz Blendpunkt Lab
Germany Berlin Film Speed Lab
Germany Berlin Safelight
Germany Berlin Aperture Film Lab
Germany Dresden Foto Görner
Germany Frankfurt On Film Lab
Belgium online A Film Lab
Belgium Brussels Laboriver
Czech Republic Prague Filmstore
Ireland Cork Dev My Film
Italy Salerno DP66
Italy Legnano (Milan) Ghisa Film Lab
Latvia Riga Baltijas Foto Serviss
Netherlands Eindhoven Analog Space
Netherlands Amersfoort Nothing but the Grain
Netherlands Rotterdam Cameralisatie
Poland Warsaw Czarno-Biale
Poland online Jasna Ciemnia
Portugal Lisbon Carmencita Film Lab
Portugal online Sagrada Película Film Lab
Slovakia Trenčín Film Labak
Spain Madrid 1826 Film lab
Spain Barcelona Amigou Lab
Spain Salamanca Artistica Marciana Lab
Spain Valencia Carmencita Film Lab
Spain Madrid Contado Pierde
Spain Madrid Fotocarrete
Spain Madrid Interphoto
Spain Barcelona Revelab
Hungary Budapest Cafe Analog
Hungary Budapest Budachrome
Hungary Budapest lab4art
Ukraine Kyiv Fotovramke
Ukraine Kyiv Photokava Film lab
Ukraine Kyiv Photovision
United Kingdom online Analogue Wonderland
United Kingdom Plymouth
United Kingdom Glasgow Gulabi Photo
United Kingdom Sheffield J&A Photography Studio
United Kingdom Bristol Jack’s Lab
United Kingdom online Nik & Trick Photo Services
United Kingdom Leeds Take It Easy Lab
United Kingdom Southampton The Film Safe
Finland Tampere, Helsinki, Espoo
Finland Helsinki Martax Film Lab
France Nantes L'Atelier Argentique
France Paris Nation Photo
France Paris Sunbath Film-Lab

ECN-2 Film can also be developed at home. For this, special ECN-2 kits are available, which include a step to wash away the remjet layer. Alternatively, I offer a remjet removal bath, which can be used in conjunction with any c41 developing kit. This will lead to slightly different results, but the quality is acceptable nonetheless. We may also sell ECN-2 developing chemistry in the future.

Ektachrome 100d is processed in the E6 slide process, which is the same as

Ektachrome E100 and Fujifilm slide films such as Velvia 50/100 and Provia 100f.

There is no additional remjet layer on the film.